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Richard Allen Anderson had a career of more than 30 years in industrial research and developmentbefore turning his intellectual pursuits to literature and writing. He holds BS, MS and PhD degrees in the physical sciences, butwriting and reading in all literary genres has always been a major interest.

His published works include one collection of short fiction, Taradiddle and Cookie Crumbs, one illustrated children’s book, The Adventures of Diggerydo and Taller Too, and three volumes of poetry: Another Season Spent, Potholes in Memory Lane, and Winter Weeds. His poetry, short fiction and nonfiction have also appeared occasionally in periodical and online publications.

Natives of Wisconsin, Richard and his wife, Dolly, have lived in Georgia since 1983. They have been married 66 years, have four children, eight grands and still counting the great grandchildren.

Richard is a long-time member of the Carrollton Writers Guild and participates in their annual Local Voices poetry readings.


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All books are available for purchase on Amazon and Barnes and Noble websites and from Vabella Publishing.

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The Adventures of Diggerydoo and Taller Too


Diggerydoo is a small orphaned dinosaur hatched on the banks of a small pond into a fearsome world of strange sights and sounds. Abandoned by his parents, the brave little dinosaur sets off on an adventure to explore that world of long, long ago. As he travels, he finds Taller, the biggest dinosaur, and they become best friends forever.


Comments by reviewers:

  • vivid language and imagery

  • enhanced by striking illustrations

  • teaches that we can be so different and yet so alike

  • the story of adventure and friendship will resonate with children of all ages

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Winter Weeds


The poems in Winter Weeds speak of the vibrancy and persistence of life and the human spirit. Here you will find beauty, mystery and humor in subjects as diverse as small birds, summer storms and, especially, human relationships.


Comments by reviewers:

  • the wisdom of aging, all the wonder of youth

  • acute understanding of the human experience

  • the poems sing true . . . encouraging the reader to understand the familiar in new and deeper way

  • erudite, melodious and inspiring

Winter Weeds
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Potholes in Memory Lane is Richard Allen Anderson’s second volume of poetic reflections. It is deeply personal, reflecting his Midwestern heritage, his interest in nature and science, his six-decade-long marriage, his family relationships and his age.


Reviewers’ comments on Potholes in Memory Lane:

  • beautifully honest

  • full of artistry and wisdom

  • reflects his humanity, vitality and depth of thought

  • enticing sense of humor

  • from hilarious to thoughtful to profoundly moving

  • fresh, luxurious offerings in a variety of styles

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The poems in this volume were generated over the past dozen years, prompted always by his wonder of the world and its beauty, the haps and mishaps of life and the magic and mystery of love.


Reviewer's comment on Another Season Spent:

  • The kind of poems you read in the morning and carry around in your head and heart for the day. It touches upon the simple joys, humors, and pains of existence. I most appreciate how unaffected the writing feels. No pretension here, just honest thoughts.

Another Seasom

Taradiddle and Cookie Crumbs


Taradiddle is a lie, a minor falsehood, a bit of pretentious nonsense. This book is a collection of lies, fabrications, short fiction intended to reveal the truth. In it you will find tales of life and death, love and hate, gods and demons, desperation and hope, justice and vengeance, mystery, history, humor and adventure.


Comments of reviewers:

  • Lush descriptions

  • Plots that take the path less taken

  • Thought provoking and intriguing

  • Stories that take you on a journey through tragedy and triumph

  • Anderson has a gift for making fiction real

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four the Good Times

for the Good Times is the story of two people who shared a lifetime that began when they met, still in their teens, and is now recounted by just one of them. Had the other survived instead, the narrative would, no doubt, be shaded by differences in individual perception, yet it is as true a tale as the mind of the writer can conceive, told in passages of prose and poetry.

 Carrollton Writers Guild Inc

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